Demonstratieles over Pyrografie in de
basisschool te BATTEL op 17 maart 2005.

Christmas happening in Hever (December 5th 2004)
In the May/June 2004
issue of the online magazine WWWOOCARVER, an article was devoted to
François PEETERS, in particular to the relief pyrography technique that
he uses in some of his works.

HIER to read this article.
for Pyrographic arts".
on the picture of François PEETERS hereafter, or on one of the rooms of
this floormap, to enter and visit the e-museum of Kathleen M. Garvey
The E-Museum floor plan ©
Kathleen M. Garvey Menendez
See how
the Belgian press reports on his demonstrations at fairs:



Invitation for the "Week of
the amateur craftsmen 2005"
in the Culture Center of Malines

A nice photo composition
with mushroom money box.


Belgian poststamp featuring
François Peeters demonstrating pyrography at a craftsfair.