François PEETERS
François PEETERS was born in Mortsel, Belgium on
May 17, 1941, but he has lived for almost 30 years in
Battel, near Malines, Belgium. It was written in the
stars that someday he would excel in art, as the
painting talent has been in his family for generations,
and seems to be handed down to male descendents.
Only a few paintings of his ancestors still exist.
Amongst them, two remarquable paintings of his father,
Frans PEETERS (1916-1987), painted with common
watercolour, and fixed with sugared water, a technique
he had developed on his own.

Move the mousepointer over the paintings to see more
He never had the opportunity to enroll in art
education because he started working at a young age to
help support his family. His dream: to become a
carpenter, which encouraged him to take evening
classes in a cabinet making course. Apparently,
without realizing it, the pyrography bug was already
in his blood.
Just like his father and uncle before him, he started
drawing and painting. At the end of the 1960s, he
exhibits some of his paintings and acquarels. To see
some of his paintings, click
In 1970, rather by coincidence, he met an older
pyrographer who was presenting his art to the public at
an arts-and-crafts fair. The smell of burnt wood
attracted him and his passion for pyrography was born.
François Peeters had plenty of experience with wood
crafts and has drawing talent. He felt that pyrography
was the artistic field where he could feel completely at
home as an artist.
François Peeters is still thankful to this unknown
pyrographer who taught him the basic principles of the
art, and of whom he only has one photograph (see below).
He never even knew his name.
In the following years, he perfected himself in all
facets of pyrography: he learned how to use markers to
obtain special effects, he experimented with all styles
of pyrography (among others relief and color).
The last couple of years, he has limited himself to pen
drawings and pyrography: heads of children, faces of
elderly people, animals, and mushrooms are his favorite
subjects, as you can see from his picture album on this
site where examples of his work are displayed.
But François Peeters is also an enthusiastic artist
outside of pyrography and painting: the back of a
washing machine suddenly becomes a mould to pour
decorative stones, roof toptiles are covered with a
polyester top and transformed into a stunning mailbox,
old bottles are blended into a beautiful wall
However, pyrography remains the most important art in
his life: he shows his work at exhibitions and fairs,
demonstrates his talent, and answers every question
about pyrography.
Pyrography is still a hobby for François Peeters. He
enjoys creating his art for his family and friends. But
his work is not only sought after in Belgium. Various
foreign visitors, who discovered pyrography through a
visit to an arts-and-crafts fair, have taken with them
as a memory of our country one or other art work to
among others Norway, Hungary, Wales, and even further to
South Africa and Houston, Texas in the United States.
One of the "baby bottle piggy-banks" even made its way
to the American actress Linda Hamilton through her fan